Mary Byrne Hoffmann

Tales of Wonder
Grammy! Grammy! and the Magic Hat

Grammy! Grammy! and the Magic Hat

Grammy! Grammy! and the Magic Hat
Published by Dayton Publishing LLC
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Like the most endearing books for young children, this one is about love — and fun, and adventure (but not so much that it couldn't be read at bedtime) and a little magic.

Lila peeked out the window one more time, just as Grammy came strolling up the sidewalk wearing a brand-new hat. Come along as the hat, which seems to have a mind of its own, helps Lila and Grammy find the magic in their afternoon’s adventure. “Anything worth doing once is worth doing twice!” Grammy says. And the fun begins…

Grammy GrammyGrammy Grammy
8.5 x 8.5 inches | 978-1732526563 | August 31, 2019